Weekend Vlog Hello to My Friends – XoXo

photo-on-10-5-16-at-9-55-am-2Only 24 days to go! 

Dear Friends,

How are you? I hope you’re doing well. I know it’s a tough month for many of us due to the change in season. I didn’t get a chance to write my typical rambling weekly post, so I hope you’ll take a few minutes to watch my vlog.

I share a couple tools that help me deal with challenges such as seasonal affective disorder and anxiety.

I meant to talk a little about my friend Ulla, creator of the blog Blahpolar. Although I didn’t bring her up, she has been on my mind a lot. (Some of you know the awful news: last month Ulla died by suicide.)

If you’re not familiar with Ulla’s blog, here’s the link to the About page. It contains some salty words, so you’ve been warned. 😉 I encourage you to read her blog – it’s one of my all-time favorites. I’m grateful it’ll remain active thanks to her friends. (Be sure to check out her quotes & memes too!)

Here are the links to the resources I mention in the vlog:

The Sunbox Company

Mayo Clinic Water Intake guidelines 

One of my fave green teas: Yogi Green Tea Blueberry Slim Life

Rescue Remedy Plus homeopathic lozenges for anxiety

The Lose It! Update

Extraordinary blogger Bradley (Insights of A Bipolar Bear) and I are still trying our best to be healthy. It ain’t easy. My knee injury put a damper on my redwood forest walks with Lucy.  Due to stress, I’ve been overeating every night. Binge eating is a topic I want to address in a future post – unfortunately it plays a significant role in my life.

I’m happy to announce that the dynamo blogger Marie Abanga has joined our Lose It! group Wondrous Writers! If you’d like to try it (why not?) you can sign up for free at www.loseit.com – to join our group, search for the Wondrous Writers group.

See you next weekend, my friends!

Lots of love,



Dyane’s memoir Birth of a New Brain – Healing from Postpartum Bipolar Disorder with a foreword by Dr. Carol Henshaw (co-author of The Modern Management of Perinatal Psychiatry) will be published by Post Hill Press in October 2017.


21 thoughts on “Weekend Vlog Hello to My Friends – XoXo

    • Thanks! Craig is giving a book talk tomorrow @ the Burlingame Library, and the girls and I will accompany him.

      I’m embarrassed to admit that I’ve never watched his PowerPoint presentation before, and he has given almost 50 of them, so it will be interesting.

      Avonlea is making fancy homemade bookmarks to sell alongside the books (she has done this before) and evidently they’re a big hit! 😉

  1. You have worked so hard to lose your weight! Wishing you the strength and courage to keep the lbs off and maintain your loss! Stress is a part of daily life . Take it from this woman of 80 years .
    Congratulations on your achievements. 🎼🎼

    • Thanks, Mom – it’s a beautiful day and I’m going to take it easy. Lucy and I will go for our redwood walk as my knee is feeling better.

  2. Love the vlog. If I had remained in Oregon, my pdoc recommended that I invest in a light box. We switched our kitchen light bulbs to ones that imitate sunshine, and I became irritable and hypomanic. So true that you must properly dose. I would’ve had my pdoc dose if we stayed.

    Congrats again on getting your MS to the publisher, and on getting distinguished perinatal pdoc to write your forward.

    • I love your comments! 💜
      And your blog…🍀👍💕
      And you! 🐛💞

      It’s amazing how everyone responds to the light differently. I’m (very) glad that you didn’t cycle into full-blown mania.

      Speaking of light, it’s a beautiful sunny day – my favorite type of October weather. Craig & I celebrated our 15th wedding anniversary on Thursday, October 6th. Our wedding day in the Santa Cruz Mountains was gloomy, foggy and cold instead of warm as we had anticipated. I was bummed, but the show went on! 😉

      (Maybe we should have gotten married at Tahoe, LOL!)

      • I’m not so active on Twitter anymore, my sweet, and I think that’s a good thing! Moderation, know? In any case, thanks so much for appreciating the retweets. 💕 you!

  3. Love your vlog as the season has me on the bipolar roller coaster 😠
    Congratulations on your book again, what a huge accomplishment!!!!!! Love and hugs. To Lucy too.

    • Thanks lovely Samina!!! It’s such a weird time! I’m doing okay today, but some people close to me are not okay, and that affects me too as you can imagine. 😧Anyway, sending you lots of love and I hope that the bp roller coaster flattens out STAT because you’ve been through enough! It’s time for some calm – hmmm, speaking of calm, maybe I’ll listen to my Pema Chodron “The Places That Scare You” CD’s – I just remembered I bought them a long time ago becuase my therapist Ina suggested her, and I never listened to them! I have YOU to thank for inspiring my brain to remember the CD’s are stored only five feet from where I sit! 💗

      • So glad you’re doing well. I hope my mood evens out, hadn’t happened the last two years so this year is a mystery and a disappointment.
        Happy listening to the Pema Chodron CD’s. 💞

  4. Always good to “see and hear” from you Dyane. Good luck with the manuscript, I could write a nice blurb for ya…”Dyane is awesome and if you don’t like this book then you suck!” What do you think?! 😉

  5. Dyane, it is marvelous seeing you “in real life”. I am amazed that you are coping so well with the very high stress levels you are experiencing with the publishing process of your book. I am sure all will be well and that your book will be a success. When my daughter was still a little thing, she used to say “Mommy, I am brave – I will grip my teeth” (instead of “grit my teeth”). So, grip your teeth and hang in there. It is almost done.

    • I lOOOOVVVEE “I will grip my teeth”
      and I’m going to use that from now on! (I’ll give your daughter full credit! 😉

      A huge reason why I’ve coped with the stress of this process is Craig. His book “Quest for Flight: John J. Montgomery and the Rise of Aviation in the West” was published a few years ago. He has been a wonderful sounding board & source of support.

      He surprised me by volunteering to read the entire 300+ pages. He kept his promise despite being slammed with work and gave me helpful feedback. Craig reviewed the initial proposal, the contract, listened to me freak out countless times, 😱 etc.

      There is still another year to go until publication. Over the next 12 months, I’ll be working with at least one editor. During that time there are also promotion duties & more promotion once the book is out, but that’s cool! 🙂 I’m sure I’m forgetting other key things, but I haven’t had my first cup yet! ☕️

      Your positive support is lovely.
      take good care & thanks for watching/commenting,

  6. Hi there!

    Oddly enough, I’m NOT a nap person–not that I don’t think them evil, but I’m just not able to sleep in the day. Even as a little kid, I could never sleep in a car, or nap at home, even when sick. My dad also could do the power naps; somehow that man could fall asleep on the floor despite my sons (babies at the time–he died when they were a little over 1 year old) whacking him with stuffed animals. Yeah, my sons were violent little hooligans from tiny on… 🙂


    Just lovely to see you, hear you, and know you’re well. I’m a touch swamped this weekend, but determined to rise above and write, just like you. Love and hugs, My Coffee Queen Dy! xxxxx

    • How hilarious your father could nap despite receiving dreaded wee hooligan lashing! 😛
      that’s too funny!

      I command the powers that be that you WILL rise above the swampiness this weekend and write!!!!!!
      (Even if it’s just a little bit!) I’ll be rooting for you.

      I’m off to make a cup of Wicked Wake Up. Although I slept a little more than usual last night, I’m STILL groggy, but at least the horrid afternoon fatigue has stopped. I haven’t been napping lately – YAY!!!

      Sending you lots of 💕 and thanks for stopping by, my lovely friend!

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